Did You Hear What You Said?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

11/3/2006 Sword Editor: Calvinism leaves a dearth in its wake.

From the 3 Nov 06 edition of the Sword of the Lord, Shelton Smith, Editor, Murfreesboro TN, page 20, "Noteworthy News Notes", "Ten Percent of SBC Pastors Call Themselves Five-Point Calvinists", Editor's Comments:

It is our studied opinion that given room to flourish, Calvinism leaves a dearth in its wake. It is virtually impossible for evangelism to flourish where Calvinism is promoted strongly.

I guess somebody forgot to tell Edwards, Keach, Gill, Spurgeon, Bunyan, Kennedy, Knox, Calvin, Luther, Hus, Wycliff, Tyndale, Whitefield, Carey, Fuller, Judson, and any historically significant Baptist before 1900 that can be named.

My question is - can ANY evangelism flourish without the blessing of the current or former editors of the Sword of the Lord?