Did You Hear What You Said?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

3/5/06 "God exists in order to bless man"

The following statements were made by Adrian Rogers, on his television program "Love Worth Finding", Trinity Broadcasting Network, channel 18 on the Comcast Sourth Jersey system, on Sunday, 5 March 06, approx 12:50 p.m.

(1) "God exists to bless you".

(2) "Your decision determines destiny".

Mr. Rogers is to be admired for his many good works of faith. But did he really intend to say those things? Do they make sense to you?



Blogger Joel said...

No I don't know where to get a transcript but I'll check around.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

The first one would be hard to fit into any context.

However the second one could be genuinely perceived as telling sinners they must choose Christ. Even as believers we must choose to serve Christ rather than self.

Of course, in the entire context of the message I think his statements would become clearer.

God bless,

9:02 PM  

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