Did You Hear What You Said?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Dave Hunt Tells Us What God Cannot Do

In an article entitled "What a Sovereign God Cannot Do" (we could stop right there and talk about that phrase alone) Dave Hunt tells us many, many things that he believes God can not do. Among them is this:
"It is impossible that the power of choice could challenge God's sovereignty..."

Did you hear what you said? It's like saying "it's impossible for a challenge to God's sovereignty to challenge God's sovereignty", or, "God is the boss, but only if I say so."

Would you like to be the person to walk up to the throne and tell God that he must respect your decisions?

To learn some more things a (supposed) sovereign god can not do, see the article:



Blogger Machine Gun Kelley said...

"The free-will of man is the most marvelous of the Creator's works"

Wow...!! What passage of the Bible did that come from???


"For God so loved the world that he gave us a glorious Libertarian Freewill, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" -Pelagius 3:16


6:46 PM  
Blogger J. Matthew Cleary said...


Yep, Dave's stuff always makes for some good blog fodder! BTW, glad to see you're still posting here.

4:51 PM  

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