Did You Hear What You Said?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

11/3/2006 Sword Editor: Calvinism leaves a dearth in its wake.

From the 3 Nov 06 edition of the Sword of the Lord, Shelton Smith, Editor, Murfreesboro TN, page 20, "Noteworthy News Notes", "Ten Percent of SBC Pastors Call Themselves Five-Point Calvinists", Editor's Comments:

It is our studied opinion that given room to flourish, Calvinism leaves a dearth in its wake. It is virtually impossible for evangelism to flourish where Calvinism is promoted strongly.

I guess somebody forgot to tell Edwards, Keach, Gill, Spurgeon, Bunyan, Kennedy, Knox, Calvin, Luther, Hus, Wycliff, Tyndale, Whitefield, Carey, Fuller, Judson, and any historically significant Baptist before 1900 that can be named.

My question is - can ANY evangelism flourish without the blessing of the current or former editors of the Sword of the Lord?


Blogger kletois said...

Another tired baseless argument. One wonders at the intelligence of the anti-calvinist who uses it.

1:42 AM  
Blogger Johnny T. Helms said...

The obvious question is, if this is the result of their "studied opinion," just what did they study? It certainly wasn't church history.

6:03 AM  
Blogger 4given said...

Baptism is not the issue here. Evangelism is... and I am a 5 point Calvinist that loves to share the Gospel. They are obviously lumping all Calvinists into the unBiblical Hyper mentality.
Reasonable men can disagree on the issue of baptism to an extent.
Disagreeing on the proclamation of the Gospel is out of the question.
THis doesn't even boil down to intelligence. Remember God is sovereign. THis is illumination of the Holy Spirit that should bring humility to the table... not prideful disdain for those who do not hold to this Biblical doctrine.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . and four-point Arminian evangelism HASN'T left a dearth in its wake? Something tells me its not the long-term lifestyles of the converts on the mind of Smith's "studied opinion," but rather the beloved strange fire ignited by "innovative, effective" evangelists guys like him fear to lose.

3:36 AM  
Blogger Barabbas said...

With all due respect, Luther was certainly not a Calvinist. He clearly denied the doctrine of Limited Atonement and he also taught that God's honest grace could be rejected by true believers who chose to abandon faith (although the elect cannot ultimately do so). A major component of his teaching was simultaneously upholding God's will for the all people to be saved, without denying that one cannot contribute to one's own salvation at all since even faith has to be given to us by God. He did not resolve these apparent contradictions by constructing a reasonable 5 point system, because that would be contrary to what God has revealed about himself. Please see the official Lutheran Church's (LCMS) stance on the issue here: http://www.lcms.org/pages/internal.asp?NavID=569

In fact, when describing the sacraments (which Luther affirms are more than symbols), Luther distanced himself from the other reformers so far as to say:

I would rather have pure blood with the Pope, than drink mere wine with the Enthusiasts. (Luther's Works, 37, 317)

I say all of this not to argue, but to inform, since I myself used to consider Luther "on my side" when I was a Calvinist.

Fortunately for all of us fallen sinners, it matters only that Christ is mercifully "on our side," and His righteousness is counted to us!

7:54 PM  

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